Kauai County Ban on Single-Use Plastic Takes Hold of Government Purchases

Kauai County Ban on Single-Use Plastic Takes Hold of Government Purchases

A new policy took effect in Kauai County with the start of the new year. This policy will drastically reduce the amount of trash generated and will also have an impact on events held in the county. Single-use plastic bag bans are good for the planet, but plastic bans also create an increased need for reusable items, like reusable shopping bags. Your county could be next in implementing this the of ban. Here is what you need to know about the new plastic ban in Kauai County.

Are Plastic Bags Banned in Delaware?

Are Plastic Bags Banned in Delaware?

The New Year is about new beginnings and Delaware started 2021 with a new law in place. As of January 1, 2021, single-use plastic bags are banned in Delaware. Like all single-use plastic bag bans, there was some back-and-forth surrounding the new law. Plus, the uncertainty brought by COVID-19 changed so many of the plans […]

Our 2020 Top 10 Eco-Friendly Posts You Loved The Most

Our 2020 Top 10 Eco-Friendly Posts You Loved The Most

A Look Back at Our Top Eco-Friendly Stories Green news is always in demand, and we work hard to provide eco-friendly updates and stories. From tips around recycling and updates on the bag ban movement, there are always new developments and eco-information to share. Since retrospective lists are always fun this time of year, we […]

New Jersey Governor Promotes Reusable Bags and Businesses Benefit!

New Jersey Governor Promotes Reusable Bags and Businesses Benefit!

New Jersey has long been a hotbed for single-use plastic bag bans and they are now the most recent state to pass a ban on disposable plastic bags. While several states have already passed plastic bag bans, New Jersey definitely did things their own way by passing a unique and comprehensive law. Learn more about what sets New Jersey’s bag ban apart from all the others and what your business needs to know about the New Jersey bag ban.

New York Bag Ban Enforcement Begins Despite COVID! #BYOBagNY

New York Bag Ban Enforcement Begins Despite COVID! #BYOBagNY

Plastic Bag Ban Finally Enforced in New York Each single-use plastic bag ban takes a unique journey and those journeys are usually a lengthy process. New York’s bag ban is no exception, but the Empire State did encounter some unexpected twists and turns when the Coronavirus pandemic hit right as the bag ban was about […]

Latest News on Worldwide Bag Bans Brings BIG News!

Latest News on Worldwide Bag Bans Brings BIG News!

Learn the Latest About the Bag Ban Movement Efforts to ban single-use plastic bags experienced a bit of a setback because of the spread of COVID-19. Still, the movement is going strong and moving forward. Disposable plastic bags are bad for the planet, and reusable bags are a safe alternative, even during the Coronavirus pandemic. […]

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans Around The World

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans Around The World

A Global Look at Going Reusable The bag ban movement is getting back on track with more laws being implemented and more governments discussing possible bans. You can always get an up-to-date look at the bag ban movement by checking out our plastic bag ban map. This resource provides a brief overview of different laws […]

University of California Scraps Single-Use Plastic Bags

University of California Scraps Single-Use Plastic Bags

Golden State Once Again Going Green The University of California is leading the way with a plan to eliminate single-use plastic across all nine of the schools that make up their network of institutions. Our friends at Waste Advantage brought this ambitious and exciting plan to our attention. Find out the details behind this initiative […]

Summer 2020 COVID-19 U.S. Bag Ban Update

Summer 2020 COVID-19 U.S. Bag Ban Update

How Has COVID-19 Impacted the Bag Ban Movement? The bag ban movement appears to be moving forward again after the COVID-19 pandemic briefly slowed things down. While some bans were temporarily lifted, others have been delayed and efforts to implement new measures are starting up again. You can get a big picture view of the […]

Maine Bag Ban Update…With COVID-19, Is the Ban Still On?

Maine Bag Ban Update…With COVID-19, Is the Ban Still On?

Change of Plans Maine was ready to implement a ban on single-use plastic bags, and then with COVID-19, everything changed. Disposable plastic bag bans have gained some major momentum at the state-wide level in the past year. The bag ban movement is something we’ve tracked for many years as you can see in what is […]

When Does the New York Bag Ban Actually Start?

When Does the New York Bag Ban Actually Start?

Clearing Up the Confusion on the New York Bag Ban New York was all set to implement a single-use plastic bag ban on March 1, 2020. This ban is intended to reduce trash and help New Yorkers lead the way in sustainability. However, there was some confusion around some of the details. While the New […]

Here’s Your Latest Bag Ban News

Here’s Your Latest Bag Ban News

Find Out More About State-Wide Bag Ban Efforts The single-use plastic bag ban movement is always growing and more and more cities and states are considering bag bans of their own. We track the movement on our U.S. bag ban map, but we wanted to take a deeper look at the latest bag ban news. […]