The Pantone Color of 2019 is Alive!

The Pantone Color of 2019 is Alive!

Find Out How to Market Your Brand Using This On-Trend Color Each year Pantone selects one color to represent the year, and this trend-setting forecast influences design at a global level. To understand this reach, you need to know that Pantone is a company that utilizes a proprietary color matching system to help designers, manufacturers, […]

Latest Update on Boyan Slat’s Plastic Ocean Clean Up Effort

Latest Update on Boyan Slat’s Plastic Ocean Clean Up Effort

Addressing Ocean Trash Ocean trash is a very real problem and increased awareness of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has contributed to a variety of solutions from all over the world to this global problem. Addressing the flotilla of trash requires a multi-step approach. Trash must be reduced through increased recycling and reduction efforts, such […]

Find Out What U.S. Cities Have New Plastic Bag Bans

Find Out What U.S. Cities Have New Plastic Bag Bans

Here’s Your Latest Update on U.S. Plastic Bag Bans As we get underway with the New Year, there is a lot to look forward to regarding the plastic bag ban movement. We do our best to track the bag ban movement on our plastic bag ban map. This resource follows plastic bag bans and plastic […]

What Are Reusable Recycling Bags?

What Are Reusable Recycling Bags?

Reusable Recycling Bags Are A Game-Changer for Multi-Family Recycling Reusable recycling bags are exactly what they sound like; reusable bags used to collect items for recycling. Recycling rates in multi-family units like apartments, dorms, and condos are typically low for a variety of reasons. While saving money and helping the planet in the process, these […]

Don’t Get Left Behind

Don’t Get Left Behind

Why Going Green Matters to YOUR Business Businesses and consumers are going green, and this matters a great deal for your business. Is YOUR business getting left behind? If so, you are in the right place. Knowing where to start and how to go green can be a challenge, but we are here to help […]

What Are The Positive Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?

What Are The Positive Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?

Making Sense of Ditching Single-Use Plastic Bags Some people love the idea of plastic bag bans and fight to get them in place, while other people work just as hard to oppose these bans. You can gain an overview of the bag ban movement by checking out our plastic bag ban map. We strive to […]

What Are the Negative Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?

What Are the Negative Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?

Breaking Down the Impact of Plastic Bag Bans Disposable plastic bag bans are a hotly contested issue in some areas but are welcomed with open arms in others. It seems that for every pro to a bag ban there is a con, and making sense of the whole thing can be tricky. We decided to […]

What Are The Benefits of Reusable Recycling Bags?

What Are The Benefits of Reusable Recycling Bags?

How a Simple Bag Takes Care of Business Recycling in apartments and multi-family dwellings is hard. There isn’t an easy way for tenants to round up items to be recycled and bring everything to the designated collection point. Many landlords and property managers want to implement an easy process and some cities are even mandating […]

What is The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bag?

What is The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bag?

Following the Entire Plastic Bag Life Cycle Shoppers need a way to get the items they purchase home from the store. For the last several decades, the preferred method has been single-use plastic bags. While these bags offer a lot of convenience to the customer while the bags are in use, they also pose safety […]

Are Reusable Bags Safe?

Are Reusable Bags Safe?

Let’s Get to the Bottom of The Safety of Reusable Bags! It’s understood how much good reusable bags do for the planet, but there are concerns about the impact reusable bags have on health. A simple Google search of whether or not reusable bags are safe will yield a ton of results which can end […]

Opposition to Bag Ban Boiling in Anchorage

Opposition to Bag Ban Boiling in Anchorage

Grassroots Movement Opposed to Bag Ban Process Just about everyone in Anchorage agrees single-use plastic bags are a problem and reusable bags are a solution. Plastic is bad for the planet and discarded bags are a major threat to wildlife and the natural beauty of Alaska. This past August, the Anchorage Assembly voted 9-2 to […]

Plastic Bag Bans Around The World

Plastic Bag Bans Around The World

Track the Global Bag Ban Movement Single-use plastic bag bans are certainly gaining ground in the U.S., but this is also a global movement. While the ultimate goal of all plastic bag bans is to reduce the use of plastic, the journey can take a very different form for many plastic bag bans around the […]

Recycling in Apartment Complexes Just Got Easy

Recycling in Apartment Complexes Just Got Easy

Find Out How a Bag is a Game Changer Anyone who has ever lived in or managed an apartment complex knows firsthand just how much of a pain it is to recycle in apartments. There just isn’t room for the large bins that works so well for curbside recycling programs, but tenants still need something […]

The Best Way to Market Your Retail Brand in 2019

The Best Way to Market Your Retail Brand in 2019

Build Relationships and Sales Easily by Creating Your Own Custom Reusable Shopping Bags Retailers and marketers have a lot of options when it comes to selecting the right promotional tool. With all of the available options, it can be hard to choose the right fit. Price, visibility, and ease of setup are major factors to […]

Google Ads Not Working? Try This

Google Ads Not Working? Try This

Put a Proven Marketing Strategy to Work for Your Brand Google Ads is VERY confusing, isn’t it? It also seems to take a considerable amount of time and spend to be successful at increasing sales. Luckily there are many marketing agencies that can help. Of course, those agencies cost tons of budget. There is also […]