What Is The Alternative to Styrofoam Food Containers for Restaurants?

What Is The Alternative to Styrofoam Food Containers for Restaurants?

Find Out How to Keep Your Business Moving Forward While Going Green Without Styrofoam Food Containers Big changes are coming to restaurants in Maryland and those changes may spread to other states. We already discussed that Maryland was the first to ban foam food containers, better known as Styrofoam. Now we want to talk about […]

Here’s How Your Business Can Make an Impact Beyond Earth Day

Here’s How Your Business Can Make an Impact Beyond Earth Day

Go Green for a Long Time to Come! Going green is good for the planet and good for your business. Each year, when Earth Day rolls around, businesses look for ideas to go green. This is great and we wholeheartedly encourage efforts to go green. We’ve even rounded up marketing ideas to promote your business […]

Our Top 10 Eco-Friendly Blog Posts of 2019

Our Top 10 Eco-Friendly Blog Posts of 2019

Find Out What Eco-Friendly News Trended This Year Eco-friendly news and developments are happening all of the time and we strive to deliver this information and more in our blog. From the benefits of reusable shopping bags in terms of helping the planet and your business to breaking down why bag bans matter, how to […]

Plastic Bag Alternatives

Plastic Bag Alternatives

Learn more about the single-use plastic shopping bag alternatives—such as reusable custom grocery shopping bags—and find out how these options can help the planet and your brand.

What is The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bag?

What is The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bag?

Following the Entire Plastic Bag Life Cycle Shoppers need a way to get the items they purchase home from the store. For the last several decades, the preferred method has been single-use plastic bags. While these bags offer a lot of convenience to the customer while the bags are in use, they also pose safety […]

How Lila The Dog Is Cleaning Up Our Oceans

How Lila The Dog Is Cleaning Up Our Oceans

Just as we are preparing for a possible hit of Hurricane Irma, we find out that one of our South Florida furry, four-legged neighbors is helping us in our quest to rid the oceans of plastic trash and help people use eco-friendly tote bags.

Lila, previously known as the Lobster Diving Dog, has taken on a new challenge and is now diving for plastic. It is all part of her owner, Alex Schulze’s 4 Ocean project, and we could not be more excited to share efforts that bring awareness to plastic and in turn, promote the use of eco-friendly tote bags.

3 Reasons Why You Should Go Reusable Now

3 Reasons Why You Should Go Reusable Now

Single-use plastic bags are expensive, from process of making them all the way down to the hidden charges that are worked into the cost of products you are buying. Since recycling is more costly than what it took to produce them originally, they often take their final form as trash that will pollute the earth for up to 1,000 years. This is why going reusable is so important.

What Is The California Recycle Initiative?

Governor Jerry Brown has been working with the California Legislature to seriously up the green factor throughout the Golden State. The most notable effort undertaken has been the single-use plastic bag ban, which is on hold for the time being, but that’s not the only ecological endeavor underway. The California Recycle Initiative aims to implement legislation at the state level that will encourage reusability, with the ultimate goal being to reduce reliance on landfills.

3 Facts About Plastic Pollution That Will Flip You Out

3 Facts About Plastic Pollution That Will Flip You Out

Inside the Garbage of the World is a great film that is full of so much information and insight and the more we watch it the more we want to take action, but we need help. In fact, we pretty much need the help of everyone in the world to reverse the damage caused by plastic pollution. This is definitely a big undertaking, but we are optimistic we can all help turn things around. To help inspire you here are three facts about plastic pollution you might not have known.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Plastic Shopping Bags?

What Are the Pros and Cons of Plastic Shopping Bags?

As disposable plastic bag bans gain momentum across the United States this causes a dialog around the advantages and disadvantages of single-use plastic shopping bags. These bags have been a staple at stores of all types and sizes for years, so by this point, we have a good idea of the true impact of disposable plastic grocery bags. Below we’ve outlined the pros and cons of plastic grocery bags.

5 Eco Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

5 Eco Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Pinterest is a great collection of information and ideas and we can easily fill hours searching and pinning, but we had to pause when we found TerraCycle’s page and all of their great boards. There is a lot of information and we love their ecological facts – we love them so much that we wanted to share these 5 eco facts that will blow your mind.

How Do Single Use Plastic Bags Harm the Environment?

How Do Single Use Plastic Bags Harm the Environment?

There is certainly a convenience factor to disposable plastic bags, but these flimsy bags are also responsible for a lot of environmental harm, partly because the lightweight construction that makes them easy to carry also allows these bags to function like a sail and be carried off by the wind. When single use plastic bags are deposited in the trash or put in a recycling bin a strong gust of wind can carry them away. Ultimately, any ease disposable plastic bags offer is quickly overshadowed by the environmental harm they cause.