London 2012 Olympics Strives to Be the Greenest Games

London 2012 Olympics Strives to Be the Greenest Games

London Mayor Boris Johnson pushed to ban single use plastic bags prior to the start of the 2012 Olympic Games. ‘Plastic bags are an unnecessary scourge on our environment and I’ve set out my ambition to make London a plastic bag free city,’ said Johnson back in 2011. Despite his efforts the city of London does not have an official bag ban on the record – for now.

10 Amazing Facts About Bamboo

10 Amazing Facts About Bamboo

From Eco-pens to bikes to iPad sleeves, bamboo has become the sought after renewable sustainable material to use on everyday items. The bamboo material’s strength, natural beauty & regenerative properties are just some of the reasons for its popularity. Here are 10 more amazing facts and reasons why we love bamboo and use it on many of our eco-promotional items.

#EcoMonday: 5 Amazing Pollution-Fighting Blog Sites You Must Read, and Why

#EcoMonday: 5 Amazing Pollution-Fighting Blog Sites You Must Read, and Why

Thanks to the online efforts of many organizations and blog owners we have endless amounts of environmental information. Today we wanted to share some great pollution fighting blogs we’ve found that inspire, educate, and motivate us to take action and push forward in our green movement in spreading custom reusable bags and reducing the use of plastic bags.