What Animals Are Hurt Most by Single-Use Plastic Bags?

What Animals Are Hurt Most by Single-Use Plastic Bags?

Disposable plastic shopping bags have a serious environmental impact especially as far as wildlife is concerned. Litter in general is a problem and single use plastic shopping bags pose a major risk because they do not completely break down. The thin film disposable plastic bags are constructed from, makes them lightweight enough that they can easily be moved by a gentle breeze or a water current but because they are plastic, they can withstand the elements and stick around basically forever. Between damage caused to habitats and to animals themselves single-use plastic bags are a severe problem.

How to Use Eco Tactics to Increase Brand Recognition at Trade Shows and Beyond

How to Use Eco Tactics to Increase Brand Recognition at Trade Shows and Beyond

Trade shows are a great opportunity to meet and get to know your clients and vendors and forge a rapport with prospective contacts. Once you make contact with people at a trade show you need to lay the ground work to keep the relationship moving forward, and custom eco-friendly reusable products are a great way to increase brand recognition at a trade show and long after the event is over. In case you missed it, our very own Shane recently wrote a post for TSNN about how to utilize eco tactics to increase brand recognition with trade show giveaways.

How to Lower Energy Costs at Work

How to Lower Energy Costs at Work

Energy is a necessary component of modern life, but it can get expensive. Lowering energy costs will not only allow you to reduce how much money you spend, but it will also help the planet by reducing the expenditure of natural resources. There are a variety of ways to generate electricity – hydro, nuclear, coal and wind to name a few, and while there are pros and cons to all methods, ultimately most techniques emit carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. If you can cut back on how much energy you use you will in turn reduce how many resources are used, how much carbon is emitted and how much money you spend.

3 Ways to Green Up Your Business

3 Ways to Green Up Your Business

Working green practices into your business will help you reduce the environmental impact of your day-to-day operations while still keeping your company on a forward trajectory. There are always new ways to put some environmentally responsible practices into play and green up your business.

3 Ways Green Marketing Helps the Environment 

3 Ways Green Marketing Helps the Environment 

When you implement green marketing measures you are getting the word out about you brand and helping the environment. Why not put this win-win system to work for you as you reach out to your customers and do right by the planet.

Latest News on Proposed California Bag Ban

Latest News on Proposed California Bag Ban

California is in the news again as another proposed law is aiming to ban plastic bags from supermarkets across the state. In the proposed bill, which is a collaboration between Senators Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) and Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach), not only would single-use plastic bags be banned, but stores would be allowed to charge 10 cents for every recyclable bag shoppers need.

How to Find the Best Price on Custom Reusable Bags to Market Your Brand

How to Find the Best Price on Custom Reusable Bags to Market Your Brand

Of course you want to secure a great price on your branded promotional bag because saving money is always great for your bottom line, but if you can lock in a great price and your customers can use your branded bag for years to come that gives you an amazing return on investment. We have rounded up some ideas to help you navigate the process and get a great price for your custom reusable bags.

Why Bag Bans Mean Good Business

Why Bag Bans Mean Good Business

Disposable bag bans are great for the environment since they prevent litter and the damaging effects discarded single-use plastic bags can have on ecosystems and municipalities alike. Another benefit of disposable bag bans is the boost they give to businesses as they make the switch to reusable grocery bags and shopping bags. This is a great chance for you to create a customized reusable bag that will help your customers out by filling their need for a reusable bag while also spreading the word about your brand.

What is Green Marketing and Is It Right for Your Brand?

What is Green Marketing and Is It Right for Your Brand?

Green marketing is a method of promoting a product or service in an environmentally responsible manner. Minimizing your environmental impact when promoting your brand will not only help the planet, but it will also help you meet your environmental goals and maintain a consistent eco-friendly approach. Below are some examples of ways to inject green marketing methods into your business plan.

How to Create the Perfect Marketing Piece for Your Brand

How to Create the Perfect Marketing Piece for Your Brand

Deciding which methods and products to use to market your brand is a big decision. There are so many options available and things to consider, from price and return on investment to environmental impact and effectiveness at establishing and maintaining brand recognition. A customized reusable bag will tick a lot of the boxes on your marketing product must have list, and at Factory Direct Promos we can help you navigate the process and deliver quality, well-made reusable bags that your customers will love and use for years to come to promote your brand.

Latest News on Single Use Bag Bans in the United States

Latest News on Single Use Bag Bans in the United States

Last June a ban on single-use plastic bags was passed in Los Angeles. Starting January 1, 2014 single-use plastic bags were banned from stores that sell perishable foods and make at least $2 million in gross annual sales or occupy at least 10,000 square feet of retail space within the City of Los Angeles. The ordinance also levies a 10-cent fee on paper bags and will extend to smaller stores on July 1, 2014. Stores that do not comply with the ban will be fined to encourage participation. The ban does not cover stores that do not carry groceries, such as department stores.

3 Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2014

3 Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2014

Visual Social Media Will Help Your Brand Standout. Social media allows you to have direct, real-time interaction with your customers; you can gain valuable feedback, keep your followers engaged and spread the word about your brand all with a free membership. There is value in text based social media and there will always be a place for this medium, but make sure to use photos, videos and even Internet memes to connect with your followers. Visual imagery is engaging and on a social media platform photos and videos are more apt to be shared across your follower’s networks, which can lead to increased brand awareness and sales growth.

5 Reasons Why Plastic Pollution Stinks

5 Reasons Why Plastic Pollution Stinks

Any way you look at it, plastic pollution just plain stinks. Plastic pollution is responsible for a lot of harm. The advantages and convenience plastic products offer is in many instances negated by all of the damage it later causes. There are an abundance of reasons why plastic pollution is a major problem.

How to Increase Brand Recognition? Here are 3 Easy Ways

How to Increase Brand Recognition? Here are 3 Easy Ways

Simply put, when people see your company’s logo or a slogan, or even if they can associate your corporate colors with your brand, that is brand recognition. When customers are aware of and recognize your brand that is an indication that you have successfully marketed your company and the products or services you provide. People like to stick with what they know and what they are familiar with, so there is a definite perk and value to creating and fostering that recognition

How to Be Green in 2014

How to Be Green in 2014

Looking for Ways to Be Green in 2014? We’ve Got You Covered!

A new year means a fresh start to going green, or a time to take stock of your current green goals and initiatives and reevaluate your plans for 2014. Whether you’re new to going green or if you are trying to up the green factor either at work or at home, here are some ideas to help you hit your goals and help the environment.

Going Reusable with the Top Green News of 2013

Going Reusable with the Top Green News of 2013

We covered so much ground in 2013 and we learned a lot about a wide range of eco topics and new ways to go green. Most importantly is going reusable with you grocery bags and shopping bags. To wrap things up for the year here are five stories that received the greatest page views and feature some of our top green content for 2013.

5 Ways to Recycle Your Christmas Tree

5 Ways to Recycle Your Christmas Tree

A fresh cut Christmas tree is a great way to celebrate the holidays, but once January rolls around you’ll need to dispose of your tree, and like everything else there are eco options available. Whenever possible it is best to avoid throwing things in landfills, because even if the item is biodegradable like trees are, they will not break down as quickly in a landfill. When recycling your tree make sure to remove all lights and decorations first and if you’re not sure where or how to recycle your tree we’ve rounded up some starting points for you to check out.

Happy Holidays and Thank You for Your Commitment to Going Green

Happy Holidays and Thank You for Your Commitment to Going Green

The end of the year is a common time to reflect on the last 12 months and sort through goals for the upcoming year, and we here at Factory Direct Promos want to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing your green journey with us. We are thrilled to help you navigate your way to a more green manner of conducting business and living life, and we want to take this time to thank your for your commitment to going green and wish you a very happy holiday season.

There are a lot of great reasons why you may want to go green, from the environmental and financial benefits to just doing what is right for the planet. Going green can take some planning and work, but for many the work is worth the effort. We love that we can help you through this process whether you’re choosing a custom reusable promotional product or looking for ways to work green practices into your day-to-day operations or planning to be as green as possible at your next tradeshow.

5 Ways to Stay Stress Free at Work this Holiday Season

5 Ways to Stay Stress Free at Work this Holiday Season

Stress is a common element of most workplaces and the holidays can introduce a whole new element of stress between planning for and sending out holiday gifts and cards and organizing and attending events in addition to taking care of the usual work demands things can easily spiral out of control. We’ve rounded up five suggestions to keep stress levels down and spirits up at work during the holidays.happy-holidays