Retailers! Make Your Customers Brand Advocates

Retailers, Help Your Customers Share Their Love for Your Brand!

Your customers are a great resource for spreading your branding message because they already love shopping with you. Give your customers the tools they need to help share their love for your brand and get your brand noticed by prospects with custom reusable bags.

When it comes to marketing tools, custom reusable shopping bags are a great choice. They are universally useful so your customers can use them to carry groceries, clothing, and other goodies home from your store, or they can use them to tote clothes to the gym or just about anything anyplace. While your customers use your custom reusable shopping bags, your customers are advocating for your brand and getting your store noticed.

Build Function into Your Custom Reusable Shopping Bags

Create the perfect bag that your customers will love and use to show their support for your brand. You know your demographic, so select a style of bag that is more likely to appeal to them. For instance, drawstring backpacks are popular with younger groups. Messenger bags are more appealing to folks with office jobs. Grocery-style bags are very popular across all adult demographics.

Once you’ve decided on a style of bag, it’s time to customize the design. When you work with us you can completely customize your reusable bags. This means you can add pockets, make the handles longer or shorter, select a different color material for the handles or gussets, add a zipper or pockets, or a headphone port, or whatever else you want to add or change. The morBrand Advocatese useful a bag is the more often your customers will use it, and therefore the more exposure your brand receives.

Turn Your Customers into Walking Billboards for Your Brand

When your customers carry your customized and very useful reusable bag, they will put your branding message on display and essentially endorse your brand. The act of carrying your branded bag means that they support your brand and the work you do. By advocating for your brand, they are letting everyone they encounter know that they support your company.

Brand advocates are a big term with marketers as they want online influence, but don’t forget the power of marketing in real life with something eco-friendly and needed by your customers and prospects. As part of your demographic, it is also very likely that your customers know potential customers, so when they advocate for your brand they are doing so to an audience that is receptive to your branding message.

Learn What Factory Direct Is All About

With over 20 years in the business, we know a thing or two about creating custom reusable bags that work for marketing your retail establishment. We work directly with our factory, which gives us greater quality control, and the ability to create some pretty custom bags. Giving your customers reusable bags gives them something useful that makes it easy for them to carry items around.

Custom reusable shopping bags also work like signs your customers carry, and they’ll spread your branding message as they go. Are you ready to start putting custom-branded bags to work for your company and turn your customers into brand advocates? Get in touch if you have any questions or design your bag and request a quote!


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