3 Ways Reusable Recycling Bags Solve Problems with Apartment Recycling

How to Overcome Common Apartment Recycling Issues With Reusable Recycling Bags
Apartment complexes and multi-family dwellings can generally be viewed as a microcosm of the broader community and planet. One issue that has been in the limelight within most communities is recycling, and it has been picking up steam because of the adverse effects trashed items like single-use plastic bags have on the planet.
While creating change on a global scale takes time, you can start at the ground level pretty easily. Multi-family dwellings, such as apartment complexes, are a great starting point, as the togetherness of the community can influence action and become contagious.
Below, we will take a look at how reusable recycling bags can help to solve three common problems that managers and tenants in apartment complexes deal with when implementing and maintaining a recycling strategy.
Saving Space
The Problem: Generally, tenants at apartment complexes are trying to get the most out of their available space. Plastic recycling bins can create added clutter and are neglected as a result. Instead of properly disposing of recyclable products, they just end up in the trash. The EPA estimates that 75 percent of the American waste stream is recyclable, with only 30 percent being recycled.
The Solution: Traditional recycling bins are clunky and can be replaced by smaller and more useful options. Reusable recycling bags are one such option and can be stored anywhere without looking as if they are completely out of place. Additionally, when they’re nearly empty, they take up very little space, leaving more cabinet space for other items.
Getting Tenants Involved and Invested
The Problem: Many apartment communities have recycling programs in place, but expecting tenants to take action on their own make it difficult. To enroll, tenants are expected to visit their leasing center or main administration office to sign up for the recycling program. Quite frankly, it isn’t convenient.
The Solution: Making reusable recycling bags easily accessible to tenants is the first step to take, and it’s an easy one. Apartment managers could start by handing them out to tenants when they pick up their keys at move in. These bags are affordable, and getting them into the hands of your tenants shouldn’t be a challenge because a replacement for the traditional recycling bins will likely be welcomed with open arms.
The Problem: Some tenants simply just may not know the benefits of recycling or they might not know how easy it can be. There are rules for recycling that need to be followed, but it may not exactly be an interesting topic that your average tenant will seek out by their volition.
The Solution: Spread the word about the benefits that reusable recycling bags can have you’re your apartment complex. Use social media, community events, and websites to generate awareness of the bags and the recycling program that you hope to implement. This includes instructions for recycling, information on the program, and important information that tenants should have access to regarding the burden that the planet carries when recycling is neglected. The bags themselves will carry some of that weight. They can feature instructions for recycling, including what items should and should not be recycled by tenants.
The Bottom Line
Revolutionizing recycling is an ongoing battle. We hope that reusable recycling bags become a part of the future as we work to educate customers on why recycling continues to be significant.
Connect with us at the 2018 Waste Expo, which will be celebrating its 50th year of collaborating with leaders in green initiatives. Or, if you are interested in learning more about reusable recycling bags, contact us.