8 Benefits of Marketing with a Custom Blender Bottle

8 Benefits of Marketing with a Custom Blender Bottle

Put Custom Blender Bottles to Work for Your Brand Finding just the right promotional product can be tricky. You need something that appeals to your demographic, but also effectively gets your branding information out there. Our custom Blender Bottles achieve both of these goals and set your promotional marketing up for success. But not all […]

4 Reasons Why Reusable Water Bottles Are a Wise Marketing Investment

4 Reasons Why Reusable Water Bottles Are a Wise Marketing Investment

According to Kitchn’s “A History of Bottled Water,” single-use plastic bottle started back in 1973, that’s when polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was patented. A cheaper alternative to glass and quickly became the go-to material for bottling beverages. Bottled water has been the preferred method of water consumption for decades, but reusable water bottles have begun to stake their claim.
Marketing with reusable water bottles can be beneficial for brands that hope to build up their green marketing initiatives. With the eco-friendly benefits, reusable bottles are gaining market share. Here we explore 4 different reasons why reusable water bottles are a wise investment for your brand.

Evaluating Promotional Products Vendors: 4 Qualities to Look For

Evaluating Promotional Products Vendors: 4 Qualities to Look For

With so many choices out there, it can be difficult to find a dependable vendor for promotional products like custom bags and water bottles. They must have the ability to identify and anticipate your needs, but there must also be reliable avenues of communication between you and the vendor. As you prepare for your upcoming trade show or promotional event, keep these four qualities in mind when choosing a promotional products vendor…

The Environmental, Financial and Health Effects of Bottled Water

The Environmental, Financial and Health Effects of Bottled Water

Staying hydrated is important; especially during the warmer summer months. Carrying water on the go is a great way to make sure you drink plenty of fluids, but the type of bottle you use makes all the difference to the environment. Bottled water has become big business and the environmental impact can be dire. Here we look at the impact of bottled water versus reusable water bottles.

Scientists Ask The Question…Is Our Food Chain Feeding Us Plastic?

Scientists Ask The Question…Is Our Food Chain Feeding Us Plastic?

It is estimated that every minute, 1.4 million plastic bags are used worldwide each year and 50 billion plastic water bottles are discarded just in the United States alone. So it is not surprising that UC Santa Barbara scientists approximate there to be 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the world’s oceans. Plastic trash can have a major impact on animals and the environment and this begs the question of what sort of impact this litter is having on the food chain. The question is so important that there are several scientists looking into whether plastic pollution is inadvertently ending up on your dinner plate.

3 Reasons to Finally Ditch Plastic Bottled Water for Reusable Water Bottles

3 Reasons to Finally Ditch Plastic Bottled Water for Reusable Water Bottles

In our most recent infographic we explain the nonsense of bottled water. From the expense to the environmental impact of the packaging and transporting the product, there are a lot of reasons why bottled water is just not worth it. By comparison, we talk about how reusable water bottles filled with tap water is a lot more cost effective and it even tastes better. Today we are pouring out three reasons why you need to ditch the plastic water bottle.

What’s the Problem with Tap Water and Reusable Water Bottles?

What’s the Problem with Tap Water and Reusable Water Bottles?

Tap water has a bad rep, and there really is no reason for this. As the sales of bottled water soar, making it a multibillion dollar a year industry, it begs the question what’s the problem with tap water? The answer is there is no problem with most municipal water supplies and switching to a reusable water bottle can save you money and the environment from unneeded landfill waste.

Making Sense of Bottled Water…Startling Stats to Impress Your Friends!

Making Sense of Bottled Water…Startling Stats to Impress Your Friends!

Staying hydrated is definitely important, but many companies that sell bottled water want you to believe this water is cleaner or somehow healthier and this is nothing more than a marketing ploy to get you to spend your money. Not only is bottled water an unnecessary expense, but it also creates a lot of trash and wastes a lot of resources. Find out more on why you should switch to a reusable water bottle today!

Eco Drinkware Puts Your Branding Message in Your Customer’s Hands

Eco Drinkware Puts Your Branding Message in Your Customer’s Hands

Everywhere you look people are toting their morning coffee or tea in eco friendly mugs or carrying a reusable water bottle with them. You can hardly go anyplace without seeing reusable drinkware – at the office and the gym and just about everyplace in between. Any type of reusable cup or mug is a prime opportunity to market your brand in a highly visible manner.

Girl Scouts Encourage Reusable Bags and Water Bottles

Girl Scouts Encourage Reusable Bags and Water Bottles

As Girl Scouts across the country commemorate their 100th anniversary of their organization, they are participating in a Take Action Project that they have dubbed the Forever Green program with the goal to educate girls about the environment and sustainability. Teaching girls about the impact waste has on our shared world and how to reduce the amount of non-biodegradable waste each of us contributes to landfills with single-use plastic bags and bottles. Learning how using reusable grocery bags and water bottles can reduce their carbon footprint.

Returnable Container Laws and Reusable Water Bottles

Returnable Container Laws and Reusable Water Bottles

In an effort to combat litter and encourage recycling many states have enacted returnable container laws, more commonly referred to as bottle bills. Oregon was the first state to put such a trailblazing law into place in 1972 and since that time 10 other states have passed similar legislation. Between that and rise in the use of reusable water bottles, less and less is winding up in landfills.