Post-Pandemic Plastic Bag Ban USA Update

How Does the Bag Ban Movement in The USA Look One Year After the Start of COVID?
There were so many unknowns a year ago concerning COVID-19 and these unknowns extended to just about every aspect of life, including the use of reusable shopping bags. There was concern about reusable items, like grocery bags, possibly spreading the virus.
This led to some bag bans being overturned and others being delayed.
The impact of some of these decisions is still being felt.
You can get the full rundown of the bag ban movement by checking out our bag ban map.
Keep reading to find out how some grocery stores are handling reusable grocery bags a year after the start of the pandemic and the current status of the bag ban movement.
Safety of Reusable Bags
Single-use plastic bags reduce plastic trash and litter and have long been hailed as good for the planet.
In the early days of COVID, there was concern that the virus could survive on surfaces which made people question the safety of reusable bags. We have since learned that the virus is not stable on surfaces, so it is not very likely the virus could spread from shoppers bringing their own reusable bags.
Despite this, some stores throughout the country have yet to lift reusable bag bans put in place early into the pandemic. This is unnecessary.
Reusable shopping bags are safe. The bags can easily be cleaned which will kill any germs or bacteria present. This will keep shoppers and store employees safe while continuing to help the planet.
Possible Ban in Frisco
A 25-cent fee on both single-use plastic and paper bags has been in place in Frisco, Colorado since the start of this year.
There are currently discussions taking place to ban single-use plastic bags by this summer.
Changes to Northampton Ban
Northampton, Massachusetts banned single-use plastic bags effective January 2016.
Northhampton officials are looking to build on the success of this ban and further reduce the use of single-use plastics through a new ban aimed at reducing the use of Styrofoam food containers, single-use plastic utensils, and more.
The new proposal has passed the first reading and if approved could become effective on January 1, 2022.
Philly Trying to Go Green!
Efforts have long been underway to ban disposable plastic bags in Philadelphia.
A Pennsylvania state law makes it challenging for cities to pass bag bans, however, lawmakers in Philadelphia approved a plastic bag ban.
The ban was planned to go into action in July 2020 but has since been pushed back until July 2021.
Dependable Reusable Bags
Not only are our reusable shopping bags safe, but they are also dependable.
We offer a wide selection of certified reusable bags. These bags are built to specifications established by CalRecycle and are intended to hold up to regular use so both you and your customers can count on these bags.
Go Green and Stay Safe
At Factory Direct Promos, we have been helping our clients, including American Express, Bank of America, Carnival Cruise Lines, Pepsi, The Home Depot, Whole Foods, and so many more go green through the use of custom reusable bags. And we can do the same for you.
Our parent brand was founded in 1924 which when combined with our tenure means we have over a century of combined experience in the USA helping out customers and delivering results.
We hold ISO certification which speaks to our commitment to our customers and the planet.
We have staying power and experience you can trust.
Work with Our Factory
We also have our own factory so we can offer the lowest factory direct pricing on the best quality, certified reusable shopping bags wholesale priced for your marketing and retail use.
SHOP our full selection of reusable shopping bags and get the lowest price and the best possible service while you help our planet.