Choose the Right Fabric for Your Custom Reusable Bags

Choose the Right Fabric for Your Custom Reusable Bags

Reusable bags are a highly visible way to promote your brand, and they’re really popular with most consumers excited to get their hands on a custom reusable bag. If you’ve already made the decision to promote your brand with a reusable bag, selecting the material for your bag can be an equally important choice. We offer a wide array of fabrics and while they all make great reusable bags there are different characteristics to each material. In order to help you understand these materials and make an informed decision we rounded up some of the most common questions we field on the topic of fabrics and the answers to these questions.

20 Reasons to Make the Switch to Reusable Bags

20 Reasons to Make the Switch to Reusable Bags

There are so many reasons why you should #GoReusableNow and switch to reusable shopping bags. Between the negative impact of disposable plastic bags and the advantages of custom reusable bags the choice is pretty clear, but we’ve rounded up 20 reasons why retailers and grocery stores should go reusable now.

How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck at Your Next Trade Show

How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck at Your Next Trade Show

Of course you want to spend your marketing budget wisely, and when you decide to promote your brand with a custom reusable bag you are doing just that. Reusable bags are a great fit at tradeshows because people can accumulate so many items, from business cards to pens to catalogs to all sorts of gear emblazoned with company’s branding, so a bag is a natural fit since it gives people a way to carry everything they pick up. A reusable bag is also a great fit for your brand since it not only puts your branding message out there, but you are also establishing a rapport with your customers and giving them something useful and helpful by filling their immediate need. Keep reading to learn more about how a custom branded bag will deliver a fantastic return on your investment.

Why Should You Replace Plastic Bags with Reusable Grocery Bags

Why Should You Replace Plastic Bags with Reusable Grocery Bags

Single-use plastic bags offer a certain level of convenience, but there are so many benefits to bring your own reusable grocery bags along when you go shopping. From cost savings to conserving resources and helping marine life switching to reusable shopping bags can make a big difference.

Paper, Plastic or Something Better?

Paper, Plastic or Something Better?

Deciding which type of bag to carry your purchases home from the store in isn’t the sort of decision that needs a lot of consideration, but you still have options to think over. The next time the clerk at the store asks you if you want paper or plastic, why not ask for something better?

Back To School Eco Special for Your Marketing

Back To School Eco Special for Your Marketing

Reusable bags are proven to effectively spread your marketing message and deliver a great ROI, or return on your investment. A well-made reusable bag can deliver years of use, so your customized reusable bag will be reminding your customers about your brand while also increasing your brand awareness with people who see your customers carrying your branded bag. For a limited time as the new school year is bearing down we are offering a back to school eco special.

5 Ways to a Greener Trade Show Exhibit

5 Ways to a Greener Trade Show Exhibit

Tradeshows have earned the reputation for being rough on the environment. Basically, this is rooted in the disposable nature of tradeshows. Many companies exhibit in one or two shows a year and materials used to construct the booth, displays, signs and furniture may only be used for those one or two shows. The rest is left in the convention hall where it is picked up and carted off to a landfill. Things don’t have to be like this! As our CMO, Shane Shirley explained in a recent guest post for TSNN, there are ways to make your tradeshow exhibit green.

The Negative Consequences of Honolulu’s Plastic Bag Ban On The Environment

The Negative Consequences of Honolulu’s Plastic Bag Ban On The Environment

Just a couple weeks into their single-use plastic bag ban folks in Honolulu noticed something wasn’t right – some stores were still distributing plastic bags. Honolulu’s bag ban technically prohibits stores from handing out plastic bags that are thinner than 2.25 mils. The plastic bags being handed out now are in fact thicker, so they are allowed under the ban. These thicker bags are billed as reusable since they are durable.

The Truth About Plastic

The Truth About Plastic

There are a lot of traits of plastic that are convenient. Plastic is lightweight, durable and non-porous, which are all great characteristic for packaging. Unfortunately, the drawbacks for plastic are so overwhelming bag they outweigh these great benefits.

Want the Hottest Trends in Custom Reusable Bags?

Want the Hottest Trends in Custom Reusable Bags?

You know a reusable bag will be a good fit for your brand, but while the ability to customize the design of your branded bag is a great feature, sometimes it can be a challenge to know where to begin. With this in mind our amazing head of design at Factory Direct Promos, Lucas, took a lot of time and effort to create our 2015 design book and catalog. This download brings you the hottest and trendiest custom bags of the market this year and will be just the thing to jumpstart your creativity.

Do Bag Bans Do More Harm Than Good?

Do Bag Bans Do More Harm Than Good?

There isn’t a clear and easy answer to that question. Disposable plastic bag bans are intended to stop the use of plastic bags in order to reduce the negative environmental impact. As some cities have found out there can be some unintended consequences of passing a bag ban.

Do Consumers Really Care About Banning Bags?

Do Consumers Really Care About Banning Bags?

Yes, they do, and like anything new it takes time for shoppers to get used to a disposable plastic bag ban or fee, but once customers have a routine and get into the habit of bringing their reusable shopping bags when they go to the grocery store people begin to really support the measure and can see the value that reusing grocery bags brings.

5 Strategies for Marketing That Works for Millennials

5 Strategies for Marketing That Works for Millennials

The most basic description of Millennials are people born between the years 1977 and 1995,

5 Ways to Market to Millenials

but that’s really just the beginning of everything there is to know when it comes to this dominant demographic. Millennials are on the verge of accounting for one third of all retail spending and will soon make up 50 percent of the workforce.

Reusable Tote Bag Fundraiser Benefits the Environment and Children’s Miracle Network

Reusable Tote Bag Fundraiser Benefits the Environment and Children’s Miracle Network

Oahu joined the other Hawaiian Islands by prohibiting single-use plastic bags, effectively banning disposable plastic bags throughout the archipelago. As one group has learned single-use bag bans can also do a lot more to help the people of Hawaii. Turning it into a income stream for a charity while benefiting the environment. See how they raised over $140,000 by selling reusable shopping bags with a beautiful custom illustration.

Why Bags Aren’t Free in Philly

Why Bags Aren’t Free in Philly

A measure to levy a 5-cent fee on single-use plastic bags in Philadelphia failed to even get a hearing before the City Council, so at this time there are no laws regulating the distribution of disposable plastic bags. Shoppers in Philly may be happy that they do not have to pay a per bag fee when they shop, however, the hidden costs of single-use plastic bags can add up to some big expenses.

Bag Bans In U.S. Gaining Momentum

Bag Bans In U.S. Gaining Momentum

There is always news to report when it comes to single-use plastic bag bans and we have rounded up some good and promising news below. We are happy to share these stories with you and remember to check out our bag ban map to learn about even more cities working to ban single-use plastic bags.

Disposable Plastic Bag Fee Overturned in Dallas

Disposable Plastic Bag Fee Overturned in Dallas

Back in 2012, Dallas had big plans to go zero waste by 2040. There was even talk of increased recycling and banning disposable items such as plastic bags. Talks have stalled and Dallas has not completely given up on this ambitious goal, but with this single-use bag fee setback it is not likely Dallas will reach this milestone.

Marketing That Works in Today’s Digital World

Marketing That Works in Today’s Digital World

With the advent of digital media, there are more avenues than ever before to market your company and get the word out about your brand. In order to get the best use of your marketing budget though, you really need to choose wisely and opt for reaching out to customers in a way that will catch and hold their attention and strengthen relationships.

Want The Lowest Price on Reusable Wine Totes?

Want The Lowest Price on Reusable Wine Totes?

Reusable wine totes are specialized bags that make it easy, safe and comfortable to carry wine or liquor bottles. In addition, they are a great way to give your brand some added exposure. We are pretty proud of our reusable wine totes because they are the highest quality which is super important in a wine tote as they need to be tough enough to hang in there for years of dependable use. Our wine totes are a smart use of your marketing budget.