10 Things to Do When You’re Stuck At Home on Your Work Break All Alone

Work from Home Break Time Tips to Stay Creative and Focused
We all know that burnout is a real thing. Especially when you are working from home. I have worked from home for 10 years and I can tell you, I know it is no picnic.
Of course, there are benefits. But in order to be successful in a work-from-home environment, you really need to take breaks and have structure.
Being stuck at home during the pandemic can be boring and redundant. Taking breaks is important to help keep the creative flow going and to stay fresh.
Here are 10 Ways to Beat The Boredom of Your Lonely Break at Home
1. Get Sorted
Sort out all of your cords. Your cell phone charging cords, computer cords, printer cords, and so many more can get tangled into such a mess. Am I right?
Straightening all of your cables and cords can prevent frustration later on when you need to charge a device or plug something in.
2. Clean Your Workspace
Speaking of messes, take a moment to clean up your workspace. Research tells us that a clean workspace is important for productivity. You will feel accomplished and be able to take care of tasks without working around clutter or searching for a pen or a notepad when you need one.
3. Get Out!
Go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine. Staying inside all day every day can get boring and stifle your creativity. Take your time walking to the mailbox, sit on your deck or balcony as you text a friend, or just take a moment to enjoy the fresh air.
4. Drink It Up
Make a healthy smoothie snack in a blender bottle. Promotional blender bottles are the perfect fit for staying in touch with customers and employees as well as saving money on expensive designer drinks. Here is one of our favorite healthy recipes.
Iced Coffee Protein Shake
- 2 cups of crushed ice
- 1 frozen banana cut up
- 1 cup of cold coffee
- 3.5 cup of almond milk
- A scoop of protein powder
- Shake vigorously
- Enjoy!
5. Say, “Hello”
Call or FaceTime a friend for a way to stay in touch and connected. Say “Hi”, share a meme you think your friend will enjoy, find out what episode they’re up to on that show you’ve both been watching, or just ask them what’s new.
Keeping in touch can keep you engaged and help you maintain valuable friendships. Regular check-ins with friends can also help your friends in the same way they help you.
6. Get Dressed
This may sound funny, but if you’re like many of us, working from home tends to make you sit around in your pajamas all day. Make a point to get dressed in clothes that don’t have a stretchy waistband, put on a pair of shoes and you’re guaranteed to feel ready to get to work.
7. Work It Out
Do a little exercise. Go for a short walk, do some sit-ups, or even try some yoga. You know you will feel better and have more energy after a bit of exercise.
The benefits are proven and in fact, some companies actually pay their employees to exercise at work. A financial incentive is always great, but working out can relieve stress, make you feel better, and improve your overall health.
8. Play Time
If you are not totally alone and your children are home with you while you’re working, make the needed frequent break times filled with fun. When your children are learning from home, frequent breaks are a great chance to connect, touch base, and ensure their success as well as yours.
Grab some coloring books, make some homemade lemonade, and get outside for a cool drink. Just sit and talk under a tree for a few moments and you and your kiddos will feel refreshed and ready to get back to work.
9. Tackle Some Chores
Doing housework may not seem like a great way to spend a break from regular work, but doing some small jobs around the house can help you make the most of your time.
Tackle some chores and you’ll have fewer to do when you’re done working for the day!
Taking a moment to wash your breakfast dishes, sweep up, or knock out a load of laundry can help you feel like you’re getting things done that matter.
10. Enjoy the Moment
Use your break to meditate or reflect on your day. Work can certainly be stressful and working from home has its perks, but it also introduces a bunch of new challenges.
Be grateful or appreciative of what you have and give yourself a pat on the back for problems you’ve solved or issues you’ve overcome.
Until things get back to normal, these can be challenging times for a variety of reasons. Taking a moment each day to clear your mind and take inventory of where you are can help you continue to accomplish your goals and remain productive.
Make Work Feel Like Break Time
When it comes to effective marketing for your business, we can make work time seem like break time.
We know how to make marketing easy and dare we say even fun? Our team is professional and they know their business in order to make the process simple and successful for you.
Your business can greatly benefit from promotional marketing.
According to the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) research, 50% of consumers are more likely to do business with an advertiser that gives them a promotional bag. How easy is that to benefit from?
We’re Here to Help
We have spent over 10 years in business and we own our own factory, so we eliminate redundancies and middlemen that end up costing time and money.
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