Jacksonville Beach Joins Fight Against Florida Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

Coastal Communities Against Ban on Plastic Bag Bans in Florida
The movement to ban disposable plastic bags in Florida is picking up momentum with Jacksonville Beach throwing their support behind a state bill. This comes shortly after a group of students from North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, made a presentation to their local officials in support of the same bill.
Plastic Bag Bans Are Illegal in Florida
It is currently illegal for jurisdictions in Florida to implement plastic bags bans. A state bill currently under review with the Legislature would allow coastal communities with fewer than 100,000 people to create a pilot program to regulate disposable plastic bags through bans or fees.
In a vote the Jacksonville Beach City Council approved a measure supporting this bill. If approved governments that implement some form of plastic bag regulation must track the environmental impact of their actions, and publish their findings by 2020.
Jacksonville Beach Supports Plastic Bag Bans and the Environment
Disposable plastic bags are an environmental nuisance for a variety of reasons. The bags are difficult to recycle, which contributes to extremely low recycling rates, and the lightweight construction means these bags are very likely to end up as litter.
Coastal communities often see the impact of single-use plastic bag ban litter firsthand.
“Basically all it will do is show our support for legislation in Tallahassee right now that would allow local coastal communities to come up with a pilot program to have an impact on plastic bag usage,” Council Member Christine Hoffman said.
Solutions to the Plastic Problem
The best way to deal with the plastic litter problem is to cut the trash off at the source. By reducing disposable plastic bags all of the resulting environmental harm is halted.
By supporting the bill, cities like Jacksonville Beach, are stating they are open to initiatives to reduce the negative impacts of disposable plastic bags and promote reusable shopping bags.
Your Brand Can Help the Environment Too!
Our commitment to the environment shows in the work we have been doing for over two decades right here in Coral Springs, Florida.
We support the efforts of our coastal neighbors and are here to help you and your business protect the environment, while marketing your business with eco-friendly, custom reusable bags. Get started creating your custom reusable bags HERE or contact us today.
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