5 Ways to Stay Stress Free at Work this Holiday Season

Stress is a common element of most workplaces and the holidays can introduce a whole new element of stress between planning for and sending out holiday gifts and cards and organizing and attending events in addition to taking care of the usual work demands things can easily spiral out of control. We’ve rounded up five suggestions to keep stress levels down and spirits up at work during the holidays.
Plan Projects Ahead of Time
It is easier to execute a plan than it is to create a plan on the fly, and any time spent creating a plan will ultimately save you time in the long run. Create a list of all the holiday events you need to plan or participate in and a list of anyone you want to send a card or a gift; also create a budget. Use spreadsheets or Google docs to stay organized or look to see if there are any project management tools or apps that can help you put your plan into motion.
Outsource As Much As Possible
Whether you’re deciding which caterer to use for the office holiday party or selecting the gift you’ll send vendors and clients round up anyone who wants to help and put them to work. Most people want to help; they just don’t know what to do. Give people specific tasks and deadlines. By breaking up all of the work amongst your staff you can save a few people from being overwhelmed while also creating a team environment and making everyone feel involved.
Stay Solution Oriented
Instead of worrying about what is going wrong and what isn’t working stay focused on the solutions to your troubles. When you start to let the problems or setbacks get you down it can be hard to regroup and move forward, but when you maintain a solution driven attitude you’ll find it is easier to stay focused and cross items off your to-do list.
Save Your Notes and Plans for Next Year
After the holidays are over write yourself some notes for next year; did your plans go off without a hitch? If there were any hitches, what were they? Did you budget enough? This data won’t help you for this year, but keep this info for next year and adjust accordingly to make next year’s planning and organizing even easier.
Schedule Time to Relax Outside of Work
Whether its drinks with friends or a board game with the kids make time to do things you enjoy and find relaxing. If you are constantly on the go you will wear yourself out and not enjoy the season or be as productive as possible. Even if you have to make a formal appointment in your calendar – do it.
If you just use one of these tips to help you navigate the workplace this holiday season while minimizing stress levels that will be a success. Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping stress down during the holidays? Let us know in the comments!