10 Quotes to Inspire Your Marketing Mojo

Up Your Marketing Mojo with These 10 Inspirational Quotes!
Staying on top of your marketing game isn’t always easy. Do you ever find yourself feeling distracted? Do you wonder if you are headed in the right direction? You are not alone! Marketing is changing at breakneck speeds, and keeping up can be challenging. That’s why today, we are giving you some good inspiration to help get you back on track. Check out these ten inspiring quotes to help get your marketing mojo back!
10 Quotes to Inspire Your Marketing Mojo
1. “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” –Babe Ruth
As perhaps one of the best-known and recognized professional baseball players of all time, Babe Ruth holds a special place in American culture and history. The Babe also speaks the truth about how difficult it can be for competitors to keep up if you diligently work to market efficiently and effectively.
2. “Stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.” –Craig Davis
Davis served as the Chief Creative Officer at J. Walter Thompson, a marketing communications company that traces its roots back to an advertising company founded in 1864. Take Davis’ advice and make your marketing unobtrusive. Find ways to meet your marketplace where they need you. Thinking this way makes marketing fun again. Custom reusable bags fit the bill, as does content marketing.
3. “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.” –David Packard
David Packard is more commonly known as the “Packard” in Hewlett-Packard. He started as an electrical engineer and served as the president, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of HP. He even did a stint as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense. Packard’s marketing quote indicates the importance of having your entire company on board with the marketing message. This creates authenticity and consistent branding.
4. “Help your customers, and you help your business.” –Leo Burnett
Leo Burnett founded his advertising company in Chicago in 1935, and his quote is as relevant then as it is now today. Providing customers with a product or service of value certainly helps your customers. But you can extend this notion to your marketing. Providing your customers and prospects with something of value to help them in their daily lives, like foldable tote bags, helps your business by helping your customers.
5. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
Angelou was a prolific poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist. Her words ring true about creating a memorable experience. Using your marketing to do good globally or create a positive experience will stick with your customers and prospects much longer than your words or actions.
6. “The best marketing strategy ever: CARE.” –Gary Vaynerchuk
Vaynerchuk is an entrepreneur, speaker, and marketing expert. His advice about caring enables brands to connect with customers and prospects by having an authentic exchange. This meaningful outreach can establish brand loyalty and create a significant rapport between customers and a brand.
7. “Give them quality. That is the best kind of advertising.” –Milton Hershey
As the confectioner and driving force behind the Hershey Chocolate Company, Milton Hershey understood the value of quality. As a marketer, it is essential to help customers see the quality of a brand. Hershey’s quote gives us perhaps some of the best marketing advice available; if you are working with a company that you just cannot “get behind” and believe in, it is best to move on.
8. “People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction.” –Brian Halligan
As the founder and CEO of HubSpot, Halligan understands the challenges in marketing today. If your tech stack (your tech what?) is not functioning on all cylinders, you can begin to feel like a failure. The trick is not to let that overwhelming feeling stop you from doing the work at hand. Nobody knows everything, and you don’t have to; as long as you move your business toward your goals, you are doing a great job.
9. “Getting the like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust.” –Jon Loomer
Loomer understands the value of rounding up likes on social media as a Facebook ads expert, but truly successful marketing needs more. Use your marketing to build trust and take your customers to the next level of having confidence in and relying on your brand.
10. “Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context, and connection.” –Beth Comstock
As a former Vice Chairman of General Electric and founder of Hulu, Comstock has a wealth of experience. She reminds us that all marketing boils down to treating customers like human beings who want value and understanding. “Market” to people like you would want to be marketed to.
Put Your Inspiration to Work
Add mojo to your marketing with promotional tote bags. Please browse our selection, find the one you like and fill out a quote request. Remember too that we can create ANY bag that you might want to create. After almost 30 years in business, backed by a century-old parent company, we know how to make the process of creating effective promotional products easy and affordable.