Recycling…The Gift That Keeps Giving

Spread Cheer and Go Green!
The holidays are a busy time, but the holidays are also an opportunity to go easy on the planet and recycle.
Between shopping both in stores and online, wrapping gifts, and sending cards, there is an abundance of paper and cardboard.
Our friends at Two Sides NA (North America) shared tips for going green via recycling this holiday season. We love their suggestions and we have our own ideas to make this holiday season fun, festive, and eco-friendly.
Use Less Gift Wrapping Paper
Gift wrapping is a big part of the holidays. Traditional gift wraps and gift bags made from paper are festive and can be recycled. It’s important to recycle because this repurposes these materials and prevents the need and use of as many virgin materials.
We’ve already explained how our custom reusable bags make excellent eco-friendly gift wrapping. A reusable bag works just as well as a traditional gift bag, but it is also part of the gift.
Your customers can use your custom reusable bag when they go shopping or really for just about anything long after the holidays are over.
When used as gift wrap, custom reusable bags eliminate the need and use of gift wrapping materials.
Your customers can continue to go green and use fewer disposable items well into the New Year by using your custom reusable bags in place of grocery bags.
Make a Statement
Easily customize your reusable bags with your branding information so they will be a constant reminder and help promote your brand.
Your customers will become more familiar with your brand, but they will also help spread your branding message to a wider audience.
Our custom reusable bags can be recycled after they have fulfilled their usefulness, to help maintain your green impact.
Simplify Recycling
Using less gift wrapping paper is one way to go green, but completely eliminating all paper and cardboard products is not feasible.
It’s okay to use paper products, but it’s important to recycle the paper you use.
Each year, about 66 percent of paper and paperboard packaging is recycled in the U.S. while 92 percent of corrugated cardboard is recycled. These numbers are great, but there is room for improvement.
Recycling rates are traditionally low in apartments and multi-family dwellings. Our reusable recycling bags are a proven solution to make recycling easy and increase recycling rates. These space-saving bags work like the bins commonly used in curbside recycling programs. Tenants can fill the bag with their recyclables and easily carry items to a collection bin.
Our reusable recycling bags also support full-color printing on all sides. This enables the bags to function as a resource. Information about what can (and cannot) be recycled, along with tips, and helpful information can be printed directly on the bag.
People are more likely to recycle when recycling is easy, and our reusable recycling bags definitely make it easy to recycle.
Going Green for the Holidays
Recycling is always important and the right thing to do. Using less paper and cardboard and recycling the materials you use is a great way to go green.
Both our custom reusable bags and our reusable recycling bags are easy solutions to going green and recycling during the holidays and all year long.
If you have questions about what can be recycled this holiday and beyond, check out
We are passionate about helping our customers create their very own custom bags. This is something we’ve been doing for just over 10 years and during that time we have helped many clients, including Carnival Cruise Lines, Whole Foods, American Express, The Home Depot, Pepsi, Bank of America, and so many more.
Let us know if you have questions about how to create your own custom reusable bags or sign up for our newsletter to make sure you always stay current with green news and tips.